The production of

About the Aubergine…

The aubergine is a vegetable that belongs to the Solanaceae family and is produced all year round thanks to its cultivation in greenhouses. It is a very demanding crop in terms of luminosity as it needs between 10 and 12 hours of light per day, although it can withstand high temperatures, making Almería an ideal place for its production.


Its calorie content is practically nonexistent and it contains a high concentration of water so the aubergine is a particularly beneficial product for treating obesity, circulation problems and heart disease.

In addition, its skin is rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants that help our body release toxins and prevent us from pathologies such as cancer, rheumatism, arthritis, gout and kidney and biliary diseases. The high fiber content helps control sugar and cholesterol levels in the body, also improving intestinal activity.


At King Courgette we specialize in long aubergine, particularly the Queen variety, which stands out for its good conservation and its uniform, firm and vibrant skin.